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Congratulations to all our fall athletes and teams! 


Boys V Soccer

男子足球大学代表队证明了淡季的努力是有回报的, providing many memorable performances on our beautiful new turf field. When healthy and at full strength, 这支球队踢出了一种吸引人的、有效的足球风格,赛季中期他们以22比6的比分击败对手,取得了5连胜. Co-captains Manny Lazor (13 goals/12 assists) and Lukas Faasse (中后卫)带领球队取得了9胜9负的战绩,并进入了州锦标赛的半决赛. Freshman goalkeeper Joe Virga 完成了这个赛季的132次扑救,并在我们的第一个社区之夜在我们的灯光下大显身手, 包括令人难忘的3-0战胜曼彻斯特地区队,以及在州锦标赛中5-4大胜罗格斯预备队. Though nine seniors are graduating, 这是一群坚实的低年级学生,他们在下赛季为老鹰队复出了很多上场时间.

Boys JV Soccer

男子合资足球队在2023年结束了一个令人兴奋和充满希望的赛季, finishing with a record of 7-6.  在专职教练的指导和队长的坚强领导下 Andy Genuario and Lennox Cederholm, the team demonstrated growth, teamwork and a passion for the game. 队员们表现出的同志情谊和体育精神确实值得称赞. With every match, they showcased their commitment to improvement and unity, building on their strengths and addressing their weaknesses. 随着赛季即将结束,很明显,EC男孩足球项目的未来是光明的. 

Girls V Soccer

The girls soccer program took a major step forward this year, raising the level of expectation for future seasons with an 11-8 record, 在联赛中获得第三名的同时也晋级了县和州的半决赛. Captains Gianna Angelucci and Mackenzie Wynbeek 在这四个月的赛季中,无论是在场上还是场下,他都表现出了出色的领导力. Junior Kirsten Braunius led the team with 28 goals and Caroline Pringle continued to make her mark as one of the best to play for the Eagles. Hannah Leegwater held down the defense with a league-leading 151 saves. In a season of multiple highlights, 最令人难忘的比赛是在毕业之夜的灯光下,女孩们在加时赛中凭借卡罗琳的黄金进球第二次击败对手庞普顿湖队.

Girls Tennis

女子网球队在过去几年的成功基础上,继续提高她们在殖民地赛区的地位. 这支球队在联赛中的10胜2负的战绩超过了近几十年来任何一支欧洲联盟网球队的胜率. Led by a dedicated core of three outstanding seniors, 全队在关键时刻提高了他们的比赛水平,以确保在联赛中获得第二名, and a respectable showing at the county tournament. 本赛季的亮点包括赢得两场充满悬念的对阵庞普顿湖队的比赛, and an upset of number 1 seed PCTI, by Destiny Miller and Kendra Heerema at second doubles. 这支球队得到了几位对方教练的称赞,因为他们在趣味性方面取得了平衡, kindness, and competitiveness. The highest postseason honors went to senior first singles player, Kathy Kim, who earned first team all-league, and second team all-county. Jamie Kim, Taline Madalian, and Kayleigh Marshall all earned second team honors in the league. Sarena Lee was also recognized as an honorable mention.

Girls V Volleyball

With experience and improved skill working for them, 大学排球队以17胜7负的成绩扭转了去年的局面, 在联赛中排名第二,并在州锦标赛中赢得一场主场比赛. Lillian Vogel led the team with 165 kills and 54 blocks, maintaining a spot on the state leaderboard for blocks and aces all season. Grace Ivanov led the team with 192 assists while contributing 106 kills. The defense, led by digs from Mariah Ramdath (181) Jayla Lee (179) and Charlotte Van Goor (153)与Fair Lawn和Rutgers Prep等大学校竞争. Senior Captains Charlotte Van Goor, Jayla Lee and classmate Sharyn-Nicole Thomas helped build this team physically, mentally, and spiritually, creating a culture that will make this team stronger for years to come. 

Girls JV Volleyball

With seven returning players, the girls JV volleyball team returned in a very strong fashion, battling in every game. The team finished with a .500 record, with notable wins over Elmwood Park and Paterson Charter. 今年的重点是了解大学代表队使用的系统和轮换,以便在两个级别之间实现更无缝的过渡. 这个团队能够在他们对游戏的了解中成长,并在未来几年采取措施支持校队. Rachel Anokye and Skylar Kuiken 他们在场上和场下对球队的成长和领导能力都有帮助吗.

HS Cross Country

The men’s cross country team finished the year with five wins, finishing first in the EC Invitational and seventh at the state meet. Alex Culp and Caleb Kuperus 在联盟和州际会议上表现出色,是男孩们的佼佼者, 记录的时间使他们跻身EC XC历史表演榜的前25名. Coach Apol gives thanks for the dedication and leadership of seniors Stone Davis, Tim LaBianca and Dan Connolly and looks forward to the progress of the returning underclassmen. Kendra Heerema and Avery Peters 这两名女孩的成绩都很好,在EC XC历史名单上名列前35名,她们期待着明年有一些后起之秀加入这支队伍. 

Girls MS Soccer

Girls MS soccer finished a strong season with a record of 6-3. 亮点包括在复赛中以3-1取胜,报了早些时候输给米德兰公园的仇, 以及在新的高中场地上的两次强劲表现,包括在赛季最后一场对HCA的令人信服的胜利.  Throughout the season, Zara Ronnau anchored our defense while Sophia Eftychiou fought hard on offense as the top scorer this year. 成长不仅体现在打球的能力上,更重要的是体现在对成为基督徒运动员的理解上. With 9 returning 7th graders next year, the team is looking forward to another season of competitive play!

Boys MS Soccer

在九名八年级学生的带领下,男孩们证明了他们能够接受竞争激烈的赛程带来的挑战. 大多数队员在一个赛季中学习和打过不止一个位置, creating a versatile lineup for Coach Veenstra. 

Highlights included a well-played 3-1 win vs Hawthorne, 在一场艰苦的复赛中,对阵强大的米德兰公园队的出色表现, 在新的高中场地的灯光下,技术和团队合作的展示与卑尔根宪章, and the compelling 4-1 win over HCA in the season finale.

Girls MS Volleyball

In its first season as a fall sport, 中学排球项目为女运动员提供了第三种选择. Compared to previous seasons held in early spring, 更长的赛程和更多的准备时间使球队能够适应新的联赛并取得好成绩, even bringing home several wins. Six eighth graders, two seventh graders, and five sixth graders demonstrated amazing individual and team growth, providing some exciting points and matches throughout the season. 我们期待着看到八年级学生明年为我们高中的比赛,并期待着我们初中新的秋季项目的持续发展.

MS Cross Country 

越野跑最令人满意的地方之一是它强调个人的进步和团队跑步中的同志情谊. 今年的小组聚集在一起完成这两个目标,同时实践圣经中“铁磨铁”的理想(箴言27:17)。. 从六年级到八年级的20名队员参加了我们的比赛,最后的冠军赛突出了我们的男孩在13支强队中获得第八名. Our top 5 runners to score at that final meet were eighth graders Ben S-Bennett (15th out of 100 runners), Josiah Hytrek, Matthew Blaize, and Christian Macy, joined by standout sixth grader Luke Hunter. Coach Allen was encouraged by the overall improvement, courage, and gumption brought to life in the efforts of the team this year.


County and league awards


  • County
  • 2nd: Kathy Kim
  • HM: Jamie Kim, Sarena Lee
  • League 
  • 1st: Kathy Kim
  • 2nd: Taline Madalian, Kayleigh Marshall, Jamie Kim
  • HM: Sarena Lee
  • COY: Adam Culp

Girls Soccer

  • County
  • 2nd: Caroline Pringle, Kirsten Braunius
  • HM: Mackenzie Wynbeek, Hannah Leegwater
  • League 
  • 1st: Caroline Pringle, Kirsten Braunius, Mackenzie Wynbeek
  • HM: Gianna Angelucci


  • County
  • 1st: Lillian Vogel
  • 2nd: Grace Ivanov
  • HM: Charlotte Van Goor, Jayla Lee
  • League 
  • 1st: Lillian Vogel, Grace Ivanov
  • 2nd: Charlotte Van Goor
  • HM: Jayla Lee
  • COY: Coach D’Agustine-DeLaura

Boys Soccer 

  • County
  • 2nd: Manny Lazor
  • HM: Jason Alicia, Lukas Faasse
  • League 
  • 1st: Manny Lazor
  • 2nd: Jason Alicea
  • HM: Joseph Virga

Cross Country

  • County
  • 2nd: Alex Culp
  • HM: Caleb Kuperus, Kendra Heerema, Avery Peters
  • League 
  • 2nd: Alex Culp
  • HM: Caleb Kuperus, Avery Peters

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